KickFly's community,
We are proud to announce to all of you that our very first test crossing of Little Giant (auto flower) x Red Kross (auto flower) was a success and the very first planting has been initiated. This is a key success to the ability of our company to cross breed and create new genetics that are more fit to serve specified outcomes. We intend to keep all of our genetics in-house and not sold or distributed to other growers, this allows us to make sure that every new strain can be grown perfect consecutively to help reduce confusion between different growers and practices. This benefits the KickFly's community, not only to reduce confusion but it also ensures that our new hemp strains are under the best quality control under our brand. Aside from new genetics that have already bared seeds and newly grown plants, we have started a new cross. As we have done time and time again we are pioneering new and advancing developments within every industry we get involved with. Meaning we are not stopping with Hemp x Hemp crosses and have currently initiated our very first cross pollination of the illusive purple strain Abbacus with Hop strain "Cashmere" which will be Abbacus x Cashmere. We have researched and planned out the pathway for crossing the two species that are related genetically (hops & Hemp) and have come to one stand alone answer. Hops plants have a higher alpha acids content and are richer in terpene development, coupling this with a cross of hemp that has CBD concentration creates a hop plant that can produce a richer and more bountiful harvest. This can create a highly efficient growing process that would be more sustainable for Hemp Oil production. Last we want to touch base on our Sanitizer wipes project that was set forth to help combat the fight against Covid-19 virus. We are making a small impact on the grand scale but every bit matters in times of crisis. 301 Sanitizer Wipe packs have been sold with 75 packs distributed through donations for government personnel and people with dire needs. We have also donated 18 bottles of sanitizer as well. To make sure we are clear we had a partnership with a local winery that manufactured the ethanol solution as KickFly's finished the product with packaging and distribution. We had made this partnership so that we did not take away from the shortage of commercial ethanol, isopropyl , and ethyl alcohol manufacturers. Thank you to all of you for supporting our movement and we are committed to making a difference in every day lives. If you are new to KickFly's we like to be as transparent as possible so please feel free to reach out with further questions in regard to our latest news statement.